Lifecycle of a Small Business Website

Website lifecycle graphic

I’ve been thinking about the lifecycle of small business websites a lot lately. I’m currently doing a redesign for a client, and I’m planning my fourth iteration of my own business site in the past five years. While redesigning a website as much as I have mine is a little excessive, there are quite a […]

How Does AI Content Creation Work

how does ai content creation work

Let’s look at how AI content creation works, and when we would want to use it. Let’s say we’ve done some work creating a calendar of content we want to create for social media. Maybe we have a blog post to write but we’re struggling with the outline. That newsletter is due and we’re staring […]

How to Build a Content Plan in 5 Easy Steps

How to batch your content for your business socials

One of my goals this year is to get more social followers who want to learn how to improve their online presence. My social media pages have very few followers, and my email list is minuscule. So, I’m on a mission to grow both! I always have great intentions to post valuable content, but then […]

Why You Need Google My Business

Running a business is a lot of work. Finding clients is hard work. Getting your name out there feels like a daily struggle. However, you can do something simple for your business that could make a huge impact. That thing? Google My Business. Setting up your GMB listing is easy-peasy. If you don’t already have […]